Scenes from a Quarantine, Part 7
May 30, 2020

We’re up to the 7th edition of Scenes from a Quarantine! But the outside world is getting far more active than it’s been in months. But people are stressed. It all feels kind of weird, all of this restraint. A springtime trip to the nursery is always a pick-me-up. I was glad to hear that they had remained open the entirety of the “Pause.” I bought some mint to plant outside, not going overboard this year. I just like to have mint around when watermelon season comes.

You don’t understand the power of the Dark Side.

I have come to the realization that I have a big head and a big face. This slightly “pro-Ana” looking pic demonstrates this, not as if you were debating it. Not that this is pertinent at all, but a pic here and there in my cave where I dwell in solitude can be a bit like a “I am, I said” gesture to the world. Sorry, I think in songs.

Some lunches… prior to obtaining a protein source. Sautéed chicory, roasted carrot and parsnip and mashed potato. Yum X 3.

The tempeh. It’s really difficult to get tofu these days, so tempeh will do. But my marinade was too salty. You can can always add, but you can’t take it away, as they say.

The s’mores babka was shared by a few lucky souls… this piece had a wonderful cross-section. Ah, that was a fantastic baking endeavor.

Note to self: Never buy chocolate oat milk. Who the heck wants chocolate milk unless you’re a 10 year old?! I wound up using mine in a cake and to make chia chocolate oatmeal. Iz aight. A bit of a change of pace.

Still with the tempeh and still making curry to utilize my produce. I am looking forward to make a new batch for next week. Kinda obsessed.

Making a ridic video for a few of my 8th grade students, I wore my most expensive outfit. I graduated from grad school 10 years ago. My goodness, time flies faster and faster. Remember New Years? That feels like years ago!

I’m having a hoot with changing my Zoom backgrounds. Because I miss us chatting together in the classroom… my classroom! I might just kiss the ground if and when I ever return. “If” because apparently I am the first teacher who’d be excessed… I am pretty excessive sometimes.

Drinking in my classroom

It was a rough day… No, this was our horror movie Zoom! I was…. Regan… you know, from The Exorcist. My nightgown on backward because, this. What a sick movie.

Zoom background fun again… it’s the bedroom from the movie.

The horror show freaks

The remote hugs are the best. Looking forward to our next theme where I won’t be so ugly.

Safety, health and hugs.. v.v.