Scenes from a Quarantine, Part 14
January 7, 2021

As we enter 2021 still within this health crisis, still within political insanity, the Scenes continue! Freshly testing out of a quarantine, to follow are Scenes from several quarantines past, in-between negative Covid tests… the ones before seeing my family for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as after my travel to Florida.
All the gorgeous Christmas stuffs will get a new storage space under my bed in the name of New Years organization and tidying, freeing up shelf space in the craft room I hope to bring to fruition in 2021.
I enjoy a good pancake breakfast after New Years. It’s always been a kind of tradition. A little late, but very satisfying. These are packed with ground flaxseed, maca powder, and blueberry. Yes, like many, I subscribe to New Years hopes of good habit implementation… like my “All Raw After Four” diet I made up. (It has worked well enough as of today to totally make it unnecessary! How’s that for a testimony?)

A batch of my chocolate chip cookies. I was making these often before the holiday. Walnuts in chocolate chip cookies is my most preferred variation. This batch was particularly amazing.

Better than this batch

I didn’t chill the dough so look how flat that are. They’re skinny for the New Year…

I really need to switch things up! All I make is curry and chocolate chip cookies π

Purple yam for purple yam fries. Okay, that is different.

On my 12th year of teaching, I plan to fill these frames until I retire… or move onward. It was a bit of a milestone to complete my first frame, though since I left Elementary teaching I haven’t had an official class picture portrait.

Don Draper during the staff meeting

ABT, always be testing

Virtual background manipulation makes this ridiculous model of learning just a tad more exciting. That’s not saying much.

Eyes without a face…

A treat from Shangri-La in Bay Ridge: sesame “chicken” with summer rolls.

I did walk to a Chinese food place and ordered at the counter like the old days. Which meant I had to stand about taking aimless pictures while the wok was blazing.

Bean curd with broccoli with vegetable fried rice–I lived off this dish in the 90’s.

I am the first one. The only one. My activities during my Office Hours are most amusing to me… and no one else.

Here’s more Office Hour stupidity. A video to show others how a 90’s indierocker who becomes a teacher teaching in a health pandemic passes the time.
A quick trip to Beyond Sushi because I had to do an errand. Don’t tell anyone. These are the Kale Yeah: smoked seitan, kale, shallots, garlic topped with crumbled kale chips, lemon panko, tomato guajillo sauce

The Sweet Tree roll: Black rice, avocado, sweet potato, topped with alfalfa sprouts and toasted cayenne sauce. It was good, but tasted like it had been made days ago.

This is a persimmon. This one was divine. They are a highlight of the winter.
Another test

I am excited about a bunch of old picture frames I downloaded. Though this is vintage me, I think it’s 1998–not 1963. My hair was growing in from when I shaved it all off, but I kept it this short for awhile.

Some of my holiday stuff did not fit into my allotted storage, so I made a quick craft from a base of wire hangers. I dig it! It’ll likely be for my classroom.
I got a huge thing of Skittles for Christmas after my Mom learned they were vegan. It’s kind of her thing–buying bulk candy selections for us on Christmas. My brother got a huge bag of Swedish Fish. π€£ (Swedish Fish are also vegan! But I don’t like them.)

Already used this Christmas gift to start planning a summer trip through 5 states. I kind of fell deep into this task for three days, just having pulled my head into the here and now. Anyway, this great book has got cemeteries from all over the world! So I gotta hop to it. Oh, and I learned the official word for people interested in cemeteries: taphophile.

This is some delicious avocado toast I made. That’s all.

Another xmas gift was a sheet of solar paper… so I can make another filter for my camera. Because I am already thinking about a plan for the next total eclipse in 2024. My shooting the last total eclipse was really what paved the way for my interest in astrophotography. I’d like to track down and reunite with the rocket scientist couple I shared the experience with last time! Rocket scientist guy, are you out there?! Though really, the collective excitement generated by any group of people that would nerd out for an Eclipse would do.

That’s it! I’m out of quarantine for now… watch out world! Imma hit you up.