Scenes from a Quarantine, Part 12
September 15, 2020

I’ve learned that quarantining when you really had close contact with someone who is confirmed positive for Covid-19 is very different than sitting within a “courtesy” quarantine.
This post contains scenes from my post-Utah courtesy quarantine, a brief stint of freedom after testing negative within that quarantine, returning back to school for a day and right back into a mandatory quarantine. Ok, both quarantines were mandatory. But this one–the now one–was much more anxiety-inducing. But after another negative test, thank goodness, I’m feeling much more inclined to go on about trivialities that were and are… scenes from a quarantine, part 12.

5 days after returning from Nevada, I got tested, as advised. I went to a NYC Clinic since they offered priority processing for teachers. I was anxious, mostly because I worried about the nasal swab being much more uncomfortable than it turned out to be. I have since learned the amazing nurses and physician’s assistant who are taking care of business at this testing location have the Midas touch of swab skillz. Peers reported test takers who treated their nostrils with reckless disregard. I had such a pleasant experience that I traveled to Fort Greene again to be under their brief care when I had to get tested the second time. I also wore the same outfit because I can be highly superstitious.
Because my blog is my own archive, I thought that this chain of texts would be a good memento when I look back. The form I completed upon arrival back in New York put me in a trace and a mandatory quarantine. I received these texts and a couple of calls. It’s worth mentioning how pleasant these calls were as well. I wanted to make the callers laugh, because laughing is scientifically fascinating and wonderful to inflict upon someone.

Quarantining means embarking upon apartment shenanigans. Like my mermaid photoshoot which I posted about a few posts down. But I forgot I had first tried to use my good camera for the shoot and totally failed. This was me trying to figure it out. A “What the? Oooh.” as I uploaded night pictures from the Rockaways.

More shenanigans: I started making my 90’s mixes into Spotify playlists… I used to title my mixes with a fancy 50 cent word I thought were “cool.” Early Word Work. But this one, Poignant, wasn’t really a mix. It was Liz Phair’s Exile in Guyville in a very weird order with all Modest Mouse on the side B. So not a mix, per se. I need to find my Obstreperous mix. I think that was my favorite.

Some food. This is what happens when you run into a store very hungry and very quickly because you’re supposed to be not leaving your apartment. Figs, avocado, perfectly ripe papaya and mango–some of my favorite fruits. Dragon Fruit because: alien egg. And blueberry for my oatmeal. It was like an episode of Supermarket Sweep, which I have been watching on Netflix.

When I don’t have much time to make lunch but still want a delicious lunch, T.L.T.’s do the job. Quick, easy and such a beautiful cross-section. Macronutrients–yes, please.

Here’s the T. I wound up using a bunch for a curry I’ll post about soon. My blog is backed up because I was needing time to feel everything I was feeling about being in such an undervalued profession working for a severely dysfunctional education department. I do that, sit in repose and allow a feeling to do its thing. In the end, I’ll ideally find my way through it with new insights in my hands like Bloomingdales bags. Solo journeys. My blog also had technical issues as I learned several months of media files were inexplicably missing. The nice guys from India restored two back-ups trying to find them. I blame the Russians. Really, I got Russian web crawlers on my site like everyday.

Tried this blondie from Greyston Bakery. Tasted like Play-Doh… in a delicious way. I wished I could eat Play-Doh when I was a kid. I did, actually. It’s not as it smells. Very salty. This taste how I wanted it to taste.
I made curry again… because it is pretty much my go-to. The next curry I made, a Thai-Indian fusion curry, knocked my socks off. This one was all right.

Catching up with Los Angeles, one of the only FaceTime requests I accept. My remote calls have slowed down 🙁 I think the novelty of it wore off for many. Everyone is just plain sick of this situation.

Ok, now a taste of freedom. After two drinks, I model proper mask wearing when eating on the sidewalk with a terrible view and a constant stream of cars stopping at the stop sign.

Sign of the times. You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here.

We toasted 75 cent vegan hot dogs in the car. I still can’t believe these are so cheap!

I never surfed before. And I still never have really.
Then, all of sudden, school was next week. I planned my units with rose-colored glasses on. September is a hopeful time! By October reality usually has set in. But this year would have many new challenges… first and foremost, preventing people from dying. I didn’t sign up to work in a job that could be life threatening and kind of resent being in this position, especially with none of the respect other jobs that are life threatening offer.

So after returning to the building and making light of all the signage… stepping into the mess of my old classroom…

Getting excited by this year’s font choice…

Finding out I would teaching science as well as math. (Yeah, Science! I said like Jesse Pinkman. )…

I come in close contact with a colleague who tested positive later in the day. [Durn.] I wouldn’t get to return to set up my room or plan with my team or see the faces I’ve missed… or half their faces… I’d have to start a scary quarantine that had me checking my temperature 4-5 times a day, hallucinating symptoms. Lying in repose, surrendering to Cobra Kai. On day 5, I emerged for my second test.

Because I did this last time, I’ll do it again…

And my sample gets the special sticker “Critical Covid-19” 😬 …
I tried to remain calm. I ate hearty and nutrient-dense breakfasts. How beautiful!

I tried to make macarons for my friend’s birthday. They never grew feet, but it’s fitting because seeing men’s feet in public is a big pet peeve of hers.

I cooked, finally receiving a new box from Misfits Market. I had put it on hold before my big trip.

I ordered in, justifying the expenditure with my impending doom. Thai from Coco Thai because I wanted some Park Mor (a favorite thing). The Park Mor was amazing as always, but the glass noodle reeked of fish sauce and I didn’t eat it after realizing it tasted like fish too. My sense of smell was (is) super sharp throughout my days, a relief to experience given the loss of taste and smell is a Covid symptom.

Then I got my results back… negative. Woo to the hoo. Given how poorly the City’s Health Department responded with the first cases of infection in the schools, even after all the lip service and contradictory comments given to the press, it’s going to be a rough school year.