Santa Ana, California Vegan Eats:
Eat Love
February 20, 2020

A vegan fried chicken joint in Santa Ana would definitely be on my must-visit list. Eat Love was part of my Los Angeles fried chicken brackets, a competition that would be an impossibility during my trip unfortunately. And though I plan on completing it at a later date during another visit that offers me more flexibility, I was happy to get a jump start on some of the participants, starting with Eat Love.

Let’s hear it for brown food! It is the most comforting. Here is my “Self Love” box of chicken and choice of sides. A pretty great value for $15.

Commencing fried chicken photoshoot. That crag—OMG. And so pleased to know there isn’t some super processed soy or pea protein underneath. It’s seitan… more brown!

It was really good vegan fried chicken.

Can’t get enough of that crag. I liked my stop at Santa Ana a great deal. There are parking lots and amazing vegan food! What more can a vegan traveler coming from Los Angeles can ask for. Now accepting application for some assistance in making these LA brackets a reality. I only have one stomach!