Sandwich Chaos in Brooklyn
March 20, 2021

I treated myself to a little bit of burger chaos as a reward for a week well done. Wanting more of Mrs. Goldfarb’s Unreal Deli Corn’d Beef, I headed to Next Level Burger for a Thicc Boi: One of their mushroom quinoa patties (substituted the Beyond patty), Mrs. Goldfarb’s Unreal Deli Corn’d Beef, a vegan smoked Gouda cheese, sauerkraut, pickles, tomato, and their house-made Special Sauce.

Lots of stuff on the burger… which is kinda a “thing.” A thing I’m not really into. Like let’s keep the mac and cheese off the sandwich, please. It’s a very odd trend! Anyway, there was no mac and cheese on this one… but it was kind of a sloppy mess of chaotic tastes that was a bit muddled but satisfying.

I’m digging in…

Lots of wetness. No texture really held up to it. But that contributed to the sloppy satisfaction.

Then the soft fast food-y bun also gave way to the moisture. It was a bit of a guilty pleasure, but I don’t often crave that kind of thing. Now French fries on the other hand. That’s a whole other ball game!