Running Away to Jersey, Part 9
Abandoned Brooksbrae Terracotta Brick Factory
September 29, 2020

The decaying Brooksbrae Terracotta Brick Factory sits over the railroad tracks along Pasadena Woodmanse Road in the tiny New jersey town of Pasadena. Though the location is in Google Maps, the directions brings you to a dead end of residential homes. Upon my arrival, oddly, there was a man in the road sitting in a vehicle who let me know how to get to the old factory. But I kind of got the willies from the interaction. Not because of the man, per se, but because this town seemed airlifted from Deliverance. 😬
Anyway, this is the graffiti on Pasadena Woodmanse Road that will tell you to park. Easy enough!

As you cross the tracks, the color begins immediately.

I found the ruins occupied by three locals and they had settled in comfortably. They had a campfire going and cheap white trash beer was flowing. And they kind of creeped me out because they seemed to have that Redneck Pride vibe. There are the willies again.

I walked about them to photograph the very colorful ruins, but was on alert. They got a bit too quiet for my comfort level.

So I got outta there quickly as it was definitely not worth the uneasiness. Let this be a public service announcement…

Once I captured this beautiful tree, I knew I was satisfied and it was time to leave.

Upon further research at home, I see that there was a real reason for my willies… The location featured prominent in several murders, including the murder of a twelve year old girl after she was sexually assaulted.

If you visit, make sure you bring a friend or a German Shepard. It’s also worth mentioning that there was no cell service in the area.