Root of Lancaster, Pennsylvania
October 2, 2016

On a dreary rainy-grey day, I took a quick trip to Lancaster, PA to check Root off my to-do list. Though the font and tree seemed very familiar, I had never been there before. We were interested in the housemade vegan mozzarella sticks, which they have limited quantities of daily. Luckily, we got the last of three servings left.
They were pretty spot-on. From the peek-a-boo ooze, the crunchy battered bodies, to the soft white creaminess inside.
My entree could have used a few tweaks. The side of mac and cheese could have used more of their cheesy sauce as many bites were not coated in anything at all. The tofu “fish” sticks could have used some seaweed-y flavor, nori in the breading perhaps? The tartar seemed like it was from a jar and could have used a lot more pickled punch. A good start for Lancaster!