Resurrecting a Mid Century
Metal Kitchen Pantry, Part 2
October 14, 2019

…continued from…
I’m so pleased with how this project has turned out! All my baking supplies have a beautiful new home. But I don’t want to jump the gun. There’s still a bit to do.
Step 5: Paint.
Paint all pieces per the instructions on your paint can. Use a roller for even distribution and allow to dry between coats per the cans instructions. Once all sides are dry, feel free to add decorative effects as/if desired. I really liked this detail. But I didn’t do that. I did paint the interior though!

Step 6: Add Hairpin legs.
I was excited for this part, but it took me a while to build up the moxy to take it on. You see, it’s back at my apartment. Part of me just wanted to wait for someone else to do it. But in the end, after some helpful advice from The Greek, I got the drill bits I needed, laid it down on the couch and added those legs all by myself.

The bottom was a bit dented, so I had to bang it outward with a rubber mallet. My tool collection is growing!

The legs on! And a sneak peek of the contact paper.

Step 7: The interior.
Measure out contact paper for interior. Add any magnetic shelves as desired. This was my most favorite addition. Add shelf liner to the shelves and adhere interior lighting as desired. I didn’t find lighting necessary. I still have stuff to finish but I just had to get the pantry stuff off my bedroom floor!

Magnets are super helpful.

A baker’s dream

Stay tuned for the final step… reattaching all doors and updating hardware!