Raw Cleanse
August 11, 2014

After a particularly gluttonous summer so far, I needed to take it down a few notches with a grain-free cleanse–2 days of raw food and juice. I also wanted to take this opportunity to try out some products that I’ve had on my radar in the grocery store, as a new year of work calls for hearty and healthful sustenance. Above is everything I ate today.
My Raw Cleanse, Day 1 (left to right):
Raw Revolution Spirulina Dream bar
tsp. organic apple cider vinegar
blk. mineral water
Organic green seedless grapes
Organic Bartlett pear
Organic raw cocoa goji bar
Brad’s Raw Chips: Cheddar with organic kale and raw pepitas hummus
Health-Ade raw kombucha
Organic banana pie (see below)
BluePrint Beet, Apple, Carrot, Lemon, Ginger juice
Organic Mission figs
tsp. organic apple cider vinegar
With my high-speed blender revved up, I made a raw kale hummus and a banana dessert to appease my appetite. The crust of the organic banana pie: raw cashew, an organic raw cocoa goji bar, and organic coconut oil. The banana filling: 2 organic bananas (speckled), raw cashews and agave nectar (The agave nectar was the only non-raw ingredient I ate today.)
I also made the raw kale and pepitas hummus. Day 1, in the bag. I feel great but am craving the pretzel sticks in the pantry a great deal.