Pumpkin Pieces
November 20, 2017

This is how I look when I wake up… next to a pretty large pumpkin I would go on to process. I used my head for scale, though I kind of have a big head.
Processing pumpkin is one of my favorite seasonal rituals. The mind boggles with pumpkin opportunities…
All done.
Then, time for the classroom pumpkins to get cooked up for my annual tradition. Chocolate chip pumpkin cupcakes for my kiddos… and co-workers.
Cupcake batter gets its chips
4 batches done.
These are the best cupcakes. And I am happy to report they were very well received at school.
The vanilla buttercream helps, also made from scratch. Quality counts.
All beautiful and ready.
Gosh, I can’t believe it’s this time of year already.