Pretty New Jersey
And Vegan Food
July 12, 2019

New Jersey often gets a bad rap. But it has so many wonderful places! And I just love to uncover and report on them. Plus, really great vegan options. So prepare yourself for tons of pictures on my pretty journey south to Atlantic City. Because Jersey deserves some cred.
One of the most prettiest neighborhoods I’ve ever strolled, Ocean Grove, New Jersey is beach town in Neptune Township filled with lovely and colorful Victorian and Arts & Craft style homes. Those are my two favorite types of homes. And I will have one of my own one day… maybe not in Ocean Grove, but somewhere!

Made for retro filters

What was also so wonderful was how many homeowners I saw on their porches reading within the beautiful morning.

I’ll take this one.

Wait, maybe this one. This was my favorite color duo from my childhood—pink and “mint green.” Whenever anyone ever asked little girl me what her favorite color was, I’d say “mint green.”

New job prospect: a house painter in Ocean Grove, New Jersey

I got some food from Ocean Grove, but you will hear about that later since I waited till I was in my motel to eat it. So it was back on the road. A minute drive and boom! You’re in another cute beach town (Bradley Beach). Then boom! (again) “Avon By the Sea,” where I’d have breakfast at Seed to Sprout, a stop added in my itinerary on the fly thanks to my level of hunger. I knew they would give me a delicious hassle-free meal. And more cuteness to take pictures of.

I got the Chilaquiles: Tofu scramble, corn tortilla, black beans, avocado, pico de gallo, and cashew cheese sauce with a side of potatoes.

Of course it was delicious, but… expensive given the portion.

Onward. I love an old fashioned seasonal ice cream shop with vintage looking neon signage with a bright blue summer sky behind it. But until now I couldn’t actually enjoy the ice cream… just the Americana road styling. Now I can have both at Ice Cream on 9 in Howell, New Jersey! Like the sign says: 12 vegan flavors.

The v-word was everywhere!

I chose the vanilla raspberry swirl on a cone. The ice cream was–soft–in a way, like pillowy and aerated with a loose creaminess that wasn’t too melty. I know that is a weird description, but the texture was unique in a good way. Licking an ice cream cone made me a bad driver, but it was soon nothing but a tissue in my hand. How cool to eat the container.

I wanted to see a lighthouse while on the shore. So it was Barnegat Lighthouse on the Northern tip of Long Beach Island. Or LBI as the car stickers say. This is the lighthouse that is illustrated on the Jersey Shore license plates.

You could walk up there, but not today. What’s great about everywhere in New Jersey is that it is easy to come back to. Next time, house of light!

Her view

Moving onward into the desolate pine barrens and state forests to the east I headed to Batsto Village, a beautifully preserved historical site. There were a slew of campsites that piqued my interest given the seclusion of the area. More opportunities for Jersey beauty! But today it was a hot afternoon of landscape photography with my fish eye. I had a lot of adjustments I had to make given the shadow and light variables of the bright summer day. I’m so pleased I am no longer shooting in “Auto.” How’d I do?

Such beautiful grounds… and all my own.

No plastic parts

Though the fish eye distorts a bit, I love what it grabs in the frame.

Brackish, perhaps still from its history in 1766 when it was Batsto Iron Works?

These were the staff quarters on the sprawling property. I imagined that some employees might have leaned on this tree to rest.

Batsto Village, yet another place I’d love to return to. At the time of my visit almost all of the structures were closed though they are open for exploration most of the day.
Finally, in the comfort of my motel room 20 minutes outside of Atlantic City, my final meal. A meal that was sitting in my car the entire day. Two vegan meat pies from Bürbelmaiers in Ocean Grove.

First, don’t worry about their website that says they don’t have a vegan pie crust. The most updated information is on their sandwich board outside of the shop.

And in the shop…

Finally time to feast on my meat pies!

The Hominy Pie–potatoes, cauliflower, leeks, onions, sweet corn, garden peas, and vegan cashew cheddar. Now this is a vegan options. You can tell that this was made with the same care and high standards of all the options.

Would be even better warmed up with integrity in an oven… and not a motel microwave!

The Vegetable Korma with roasted Cauliflower, carrots, peppers, onions & celery, tossed with chickpeas & sultanas cooked in a mild coconut-milk based Curry sauce. So flavorful! I love that I always got a bite with fennel seeds. What a great vegan development: meat pies!