Partial Detox Time
July 6, 2015

When things are out of balance, this Libra takes action to enforce balance. Thinking of the rest of the gluttonous summer ahead of me, I began a brief partial detox–simplifying my food intake to mostly single-ingredient foods, along with experimental detox elixirs. The first elixir: a mint green tea, lime Le Croix, cayenne, turmeric, Bee Free honee, and lemon juice. Of course, the pores need detoxing, too. So I slathered on a 1/4″ thick mask of equal parts calcium bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar. Oh, I can just feel the toxins extracting!
My first day eats:
Breakfast (not pictured): homemade chia oatmeal with blueberries and maple syrup.
Snack: Slice of banana chocolate marble cake
Lunch: A greens mix (dinosaur kale, arugula, celery greens, beet greens, sunflower sprouts, and cilantro) with celery, grapes, raw cashews, yellow bell pepper topped with Udo’s oil, salt & pepper. On the hot plate, a quinoa and pepita pilaf, roasted beet chips and leftover potatoes.
Snack (not pictured): watermelon, strawberry, pineapple mint fruit salad.
Dinner: Two flaxseed Wasa with coconut curry hummus and some grapes.
With a day of less processed, more whole foods, I feel better already.