Overnight to Overnight to Overnight
August 23, 2024

With more work means more places to stayover.Β To follow: Norfolk, VA; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and Stamford, CT and sites and eats. Β It is a joy to be able to combine my love of “going places” and “eating places” with my job.Β But it has me spending a lot of money on food.Β They need to give flight attendants a food allowance!
Back at Norfolk, a Naval base

Two beers left in my fridge! There they stayed for the next inhabitant.

Walking about Norfolk’s “Neon District”

A cement truck kaleidoscope… very cool

Love to get the balcony

Brought my breakfast!

Now in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

I was tired, so I ordered a vegan pizza to be delivered. It was from Your Pie. It was good! And yes, that is Forensic Files I am watching. Love watching a million episodes in my hotel rooms.

In Stamford, CT now. Some overpriced but delicious bao and summer rolls from this place. I don’t really understand what the name of the place is but it is very yummy.

Flight attendant ready for duty!

Back to DC!