May 8, 2019

Picture purge–First, my umbrella holder. Ever since I had fantasies of having my own place I thought it quite the clever idea to buy a rifle holder to hold my umbrella. I finally did it. I painted it myself too!

If you are ever starved for attention, walk around with a cupcake holder filled with cupcakes. Everyone gets very outgoing and friendly.

Me and Kurt have the same shirt. Had?

The thing about teacher P.D.s is you get to see the parts of the city you never go to. Like downtown Manhattan, where the gorgeous blue sky is poked by shiny new things.

Plus there are vegan options down there.

I got Beyond Sushi because it has been many years since I have had it. But everything was pre-made and of that refrigerator temperature I hate so much. Not that exciting… I got the Nutty Buddy: Baby greens, soba noodles, jalapeΓ±o peanut butter, carrots, cashews, avocado, baked tofu and cilantro–and the Spicy Mango roll: Black rice, avocado, mango and English cucumber topped with spicy veggies

I decided I’d walk over the Brooklyn Bridge! Because I hadn’t done it in 14 years. It was swarmed with tourists, but had some lovely views.


I’m a redhead now. But the final hair goal is still a few appointments away. I’m not really used to it yet…

Pad Thai close up from Shangri-la in Bay Ridge. I don’t get to have this dish often as I want to because I am never sure about fish sauce traditionally used in the dish. But Shangri-la is all veggie.

Summer rolls are one of my seasonal favorites.

What is more satisfying than a toasted everything bagel? Some stuff, I suppose. But how about a toasted everything bagel with house-made tofu cream cheese? Well I just so happen to have a great counter spot right up the stairs from my work’s subway stop. Prospect Provisions.
Ok, I’m going to exhale now though this crazy week is only half over.