Orange You Glad You Bought π Juice, Part 2:
Mike’s Birthday Cake
February 9, 2020

That carton of orange juice made for a delicious citrus bundt for my brother’s birthday cake! And it was Vegan Richa‘s recipe (again!) that made it happen. I have some personal rules for baking that I don’t stray from: always real vanilla and never any other flavor extracts. With some oranges and orange juice in house, that would be all I need to make a flavorful orange cake to celebrate another February birthday.
Always oil and dust a bundt with flour. You want it to come out right?

Do you remember, dear blog reader, that I told you I had made a ginger simple syrup when I candied ginger for my Golden Milk cupcakes? Since orange and ginger go so well together, I drenched the bundt in the stuff.

Then a glaze. Make sure there is a fat in your glaze, not just water/powdered sugar mixture. This is to achieve a bright and opaque glaze. I used the recipe posted on this old blog post of mine, but subbed all the liquid for orange juice.

And some zested orange…

At my folks’ at serving. It was a hit!

So orangey!

Happy Birthday big bro!