Orange You Glad You Bought π Juice, Part 1:
Treat Me Right Tofu
February 9, 2020

I’d rather eat my orange juice than drink it. So this week’s lunch is packed with its citrus goodness: Vegan Richa’s Orange Tofu. A double batch so I don’t have to make lunch after my upcoming week of travel. And on that front, let me throw in some perishables I have to use up before I leave!
First let us gaze upon the block of tofu. Of how I love to manipulate you!

You have to treat tofu right. Then it treats you right back.

All textured up for a thick, sweet sauce…

Bubbling away on the burner

School cafeteria offerings from colleagues! I am the school’s compost bin. Give it to me and I will make something with it.

Stir frys are the best for using up whatever you have.

And speaking of, I just happened to cut a pineapple up a few days back. Ah, pineapple in sweet citrusy sauce is spectacular.

This week’s lunch all ready to go. Heck of a food to-do right there.