November Photo Purge
November 19, 2020

And Boom! The winter coat is out. This year has passed with record speed… but its timestamps are upside down, half off the page and mostly indiscernible. My old trusty (this blog) will file away the months neatly for reference when the dust clears. So here are some things that will show me and the time.

Autumn in New York is much like winter in New York… the snow and leaf fall play with the trash.

I don’t know that I have ever made full use of a bunch of herbs without turning it into a pesto at first sign of wilt.

Stems and all, it is an easy transformation.

On the Pastosa ravioli…

I giggled at this meme pretty hard. “It’s funny ‘cuz it’s true.”

Thai from I don’t even remember. Still trying to find a go-to Thai place. Not there yet.

I really love the Bombay Grill folks. Besides piping hot and speedy delivery by cute Indian guy, they always look out for my “no dairy” rules. They called me to tell me I ordered a dish that wasn’t able to be prepared dairy free and when they delivered this creamy dish, the Vegetable Malai, they wrote “coconut milk” on it for me to ease my mind.

A sandwich from Peacefood Cafe from a Manhattan visit. This has long-been one of my favorite sammies: The Seitan Medallion Panini. I’ve been eating it for many years.

And since this was the day when election results were announced, I picked up a way overpriced slice of cake to celebrate. I thought about scooping off some of the thick frosting to use for another time, but then thought that would be a bit weird.
I changed my mind about doing a croissant showdown food battle… I can’t eat that much fat and dough. But I did order a thing of croissant from Whole Foods delivery to check out how they’d stack up…

…clearly not so great. Terrible lamination. Like eating a stick of shortening.

When I saw these “Cotton Candy Grapes” I was so curious. You may not know this uninteresting fact about me, but I love grapes. Since I was a child I chowed down on them as if training for a grape-eating contest. When I used to food shop with my Mom I snacked on them the entirety of the time (basically stealing) so the bag that got rung up was half empty. A bunch is like a single serving size for me. But I had never seen this variety and, OMG, they are amazing. The first bite tastes exactly like candy. Apparently this variety is a hybrid designer fruit. Delicious science.

My food was telling me to calm down.

My cookie making game was in full swing since returning to work. This was a particularly delicious batch.

For my class Election Day party. They got a thumbs up from the class foodie. He knows quality.

A shadow of my former self.

Industrial tile & pleather

Finding pretty

I had been thinking about this intro now and again and was happy someone put it on YouTube. The premise is ridiculous adorable, but it’s the music that got me when I was a kid. I’m going to put it here for the archive.
Zooms are starting to happen again while the country, once again, closes up.

Me and my siblings π
Lastly, I have been cutting my own hair… and I think I am doing an Ok job! And it’s much, much cheaper. Maybe I’ll start cutting people’s hair?!