No Torment Touch Them…
Abandoned Marlboro State Hospital Cemetery
April 15, 2020

Of course I had to throw in a couple of macabre stops while I was in New Jersey for its beautiful tulip fields. After a quick recon mission at the still partially functioning Trenton State Hospital, now Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, I deemed it worthy for a return at a later date. I also attempted to locate the hospital’s Potter’s Field at this location: 40.2687780, -74.7953060. But like my recent visit to Harlem Valley, the land was cleared of all identifying markers.

So, I went to the next state hospital potter’s field on my list… the cemetery of the now demolished Marlboro State Hospital. Because I wanted to head east and try to pick up some vegan food in Belmar before Outerbridging it, this was a perfect stop location-wise. Though there were no eerie hospital ruins to explore, the very disturbing history noted in its Wikipedia page includes reports of selective sterilization, patient escapes, suicide, abuse, and neglect. I hoped that the final resting place for all who endured those conditions would be dignified place–and I was pleasantly surprised.
The cemetery (located at 40Β°20’07.1″N 74Β°13’50.2″W) is accessible through St. Gabriel’s Cemetery & Chapel in Marlboro, though geographically it seems to be on the property of Big Brook Park, temporarily closed due to Coronavirus. I parked on the cemetery grounds and was able to easily walk through a wooded area to enter the Marlboro State Hospital Cemetery. I get the feeling that many make the visit as staff from the chapel greeted me happily on the way in and on the way out. Though the markers were numbers, I was pleased that there was a series of large commemorative plaques identifying them by name–and that some graves showed evidence of visits: care and love in decorations and small trinkets.

Now I’m going to switch things up here because I had such a delightful experience after catching a glimpse of something in the corner of my eye… Do you see it?

A little baby…

This was the brave little guy sent to check me out… but the rest of the litter was lounging around that pile of dirt, their den?

I tried not to go nuts as mamma fox might get mad at me… so I went about my business. But they were just so curious about me.

I couldn’t believe the cuteness! I think that foxes dig me. I have had several fox encounters in my life. Or maybe it is not too uncommon? Oh, I have a few documented.
It was a nice thing to see at the state hospital cemetery.