New Years Dinner
January 1, 2014

All’s well that ends well. So 2013 would end with a good meal…Kumatoes are a “designer” tomato variety. They’re sweeter and have a brownish skin. And they look like a bunch of skee balls in this picture. I thought I’d roast them and make them a component to a veggie ziti.
New Years dinner would be the official start of pantry turnover. I used the open pastas, the rest of the pine nuts, and–as an appetizer–the spicy eggplant picked up from the Whole Foods salad bar and the fresh horseradish taking up valuable refrigerator space.
Ah bread–so simple and perfect. Here it is with the horseradish hummus and the spicy sweet caponata.
My ziti components–grilled eggplant and zucchini, tofu ricotta, roasted kumatoes, pine nut cream and Paesana, my favorite jar sauce.
All cooked in my beautiful new casserole dish.
Goodbye 2013!