My Stomach Made Me Do It
December 2, 2020

I have been experiencing very specific cravings for loaded potato bar food: tater tots and potato skins. And because I like to make myself happy, I devoted my day to satiating this hankering. Starting with making my own seitan… As I have begun pantry turnover, I had to improvise some of the ingredients resulting in semi-bizarre looking seitan logs. Here they are braising away.

Very nice and tender after first steaming, then braising.

Smokin’ hot

But I immediately diced a loaf and pan-fried it all crumbly and nice for my loaded tater tots. Also: scratch-made nacho cheese and tofu sour cream, topped with black bean, caramelized diced onion, tomato, green onion and some cilantro. Just salivated typing that.

Devoured… part one of craving fulfilled. Then the next day…

Potato skins… gosh, these used to be my favorite. They could have browned a bit more, but I was very impatiently hungry.

So potato! It’s kind of amazing in any form, but as a vessel for a bunch of yummy fixings—ideal for the cold evening of a day spent in pajamas.

The perfect eat to anchor in for winter during a pandemic.