Mother’s Day π
A Sweet Charcuterie Board
May 14, 2023

Mom’s Day, for me, is a time for pretty baking. And I had an idea that I was happy to see come to fruition… starting with the cutting board put to the curb in Park Slope.

My lovely Mom typing away
Charcuterie Board
Along with the cutting board, some desk organizers from the dollar store along with some pretty washi tape.

Hot glue gunned in place

Testing its staying power

Vintage Cake
I have been seeing “vintage cakes” around and wanted to try my hand at it… so I started on a little baby two-tier vintage cake.

Layers ready for frosting

Well, first I’ll trim the top a bit

Now I’m ready to frost

First go, now to let it set

The light in the fridge always makes for a bright shot… but a pretty strange background.

Well there she is in all her glory. A bit wonky but it was my first try!

Chocolate Chip Cookies
Special request from Mom. She loves my chocolate chip cookies.

Chocolate Cake
Some chocolate mini-cakes

The finished spread
And here is the final and very well-received product, including a parfait for my Dad… sweet, sweet charcuterie.

Happy Mother’s Day!