Mix Kitchen & Bar
Ithaca, New York
May 30, 2021

Being in Ithaca during Cornell’s graduation ceremonies meant it was extremely difficult to grab vegan food at the all-vegan Angelhearts Diner, a recommendation from the counter guy at Binghamton’s Parlor City Vegan. So I opted for Mix Kitchen & Bar which has a small section of vegan options. But this my first indoor dining experience without social distancing was a bit unnerving. A couple was sat close to me who spoke loudly and laughed excitedly the entirety of my meal. Kinda killed the mood…

Here is the Vegan Crab Cake Benedict. It was a welcome bite, but a bit vinegary. And kind of a strange pairing with maple oatmeal.

I couldn’t put my finger on what was in the crab cake, but it was a nice texture.