Abandoned Metamora, Indiana
June 29, 2020

The Monroe Allison House, an abandoned pink “gingerbread house,” brought me to Metamora, Indiana… so you can imagine my disappointment to see that it was amidst renovations… π But really, the charming stop in the historic Canal Town was just the magic I needed and all of what I love about road tripping.

Monroe Allison (1851-1927) was a carpenter and he built this home in 1870. He would float extra building supplies from his construction job up the river.

This side has been painted. Such beautiful detailing.

As I took this picture a friendly young boy stopped by to say Hi. A Metamora local!

I was bummed I couldn’t go inside.

Another house I want take over.

Walking the empty town, I fell in love with its charm. It has a functioning canal (with the only existing wooden aqueduct in the United States!) and all sorts of whimsical structures. And then I saw a cabin for rent for $350 a month and I had a fantasy of living there and opening a bakery in the front room.

It had this Appalachian feel, but just the positive associations. Ok, it was also empty. So I was walking within my own fantasy.

Mamma fowl

Baby fowl

No one on duty.

The Augustus Gloop chocolate river

And when my wandering about was done, Indianapolis!