Mermaid Season 2020:
The Queen of the Sea π
May 30, 2020

Though it’s real far away, I am excited about the opportunity to join the vendors at MerMagic Con, the largest mermaid convention in the world. To offer a variety of price points at my booth, I’ll be making all kinds of accessories, along with the tops and dresses. Here is my first crown. They’re a bit tricky as they have to sit comfortably and securely on the head.

The razor clam shells are pretty wicked, as are the iridescent mussel shells–all from the Rockaways in Queens.

Full mermaid photoshoots are forthcoming once the warm weather stays. And I am excited to get started on that. I have a beautiful new top I am finishing up currently… But I just had to post some quick prettiness to balance out all these decaying places I’m visiting… and all the ugliness in the world right now.