Mermaid Season 2020: Kick-off πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈ

I must be a mermaid

I have no fear of depths

and a great fear of shallow living. – AnaΓ―s Nin

Research, first.

It was time to put my Florida shells to work… finally. These Pen Shells, and their iridescent interiors, were my favorite to find. I had a vision of the top I’d create with them. And perhaps it was foolish to start with these most beloved pieces as the season’s first top is usually a bit of a bust. But I’m not going to let this top be a bust!

Donated bra ready or not? Dummies’ Guide: Start with the big shells… then collage about the large pieces with smaller shells, building a flattering silhouette.

It is a great first draft, but I am not nearly finished on this one. And on the mermaid horizon, several more full body costumes. I’m excited to transform some fabulous second-hand dresses, like this one below which just screams to become a mermaid. I mean, look at all the ocean life in the Goodwill try-on room!

Hang tight, mermaids. We will march… out of our homes, next to each other again–fin to fin. Though that kind of freedom seems impossible now, it will commence with an unrivaled exultation. Just wait. πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈ Meanwhile, I craft.