March of the Mermaids {2014}

There is nothing that says summer more loudly, perhaps brashly, than Coney Island in Brooklyn. And on the first day of Summer,Β the day of the annual Mermaid Parade, a merfriend and I took the streets to join the masses of scantily-clad seamen and women, including New York City mayor and family.

DSC_0064Hoards of onlookers lined the streets.

DSC_0087Iconic Coney Island draped in Freak Flags.


DSC_0041Creatures from the Black Lagoon.

DSC_0044So many intricate, beautiful costumes


A mango on a stick break at the seashore

DSC_0101Nearing the end, we were very tired mermaids.

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My self-crafted top was a success…

IMG_8669…as well as my fishing lure and fish tank jellyfish accessories! What a fun, Brooklyn day!