Making Mermaid🐚
Mermaid Season 2021 πŸ§œπŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ‘

I am going full speed ahead with mermaid crafting, excited that the forecast is looking better for in-person mermaid events. Though I am trying to make a range of styles, I always wind up making exactly the top I want to make. This was the most different one yet.

Love the variety of shells in this top… and how the size of the top alters the proportion of shells sizes.

For a little mermaid.

My latest favorite…

I have several mermaid photoshoots booked and I am very pleased… it turns out photographing my tops on special women is very gratifying! Here are two recent shoots:

Hoping to finish up my crafting before travel season starts… slowly but surely I am regaining my space from piles of shells and assorted glorious mermaid-related clutter.