Love is Love Meringues
June 25, 2019

How much would the world have beamed with an embrace of all love through history? …if it was treated with its value, sought out like power and wealth. Because it is powerful and enriching, if not one of the most powerful and enriching forces known to man. In this celebration of all love, Love is Love Meringues.
My first attempt at painting a pastry bag was a little messy… but in the end, I had some success. My fear was mixing the vibrant rainbow into murk. I used a thin paintbrush and gel coloring. And patience.

The meringues were the easiest part. I tried the Food Network‘s recipe, but thought it wasn’t sweet enough.

My first try. Not much meringue in the tiny bag, so this yielded just a few meringues. My second bag was better–larger and a painted the stripes only on one side of the big bag so I could spoon in the meringue more easily.

I liked the white with the rainbow, as opposed to all rainbow. It allowed the colors to remain unmixed and unmurky. I guess this is a big preference of mine since I mentioned it twice already.

Happy colors. Can’t… stop… taking… pictures!

So with a slow 2-hour bake at 250 degrees, all that vibrant color went bye-bye unfortunately. Perhaps this would be better used as a cupcake frosting? Meringues are so temperamental. Or maybe it is the recipe? I have had better luck with the previous meringue recipes I’ve tried.