Long Weekends
May 26, 2014

The Beninngton flag waves on Memorial Day weekend.
As does the Stars and Stripes on the beer. On the plate: my favorite summer side: corn grilled in its husk, Field Roast apple-sage sausage topped with the kitchen sink, and a delicious potato salad that The Electrician made.
I was on Sweet duty. I put myself on this detail often. I crunched up some of those Mi-del vanilla snaps and toasted some coconut…
A gorgeous banana parfait: aforementioned toasted coconut, caramelized banana, toasted vanilla cookie crumbs, with coconut whip.
Then there was the cinnamon bun pancakes I tried out… which were a bit of a presentation-fail of this recipe.
But they were absolutely delicious… and how can they not be with 3 types of sweeteners and 2 types of fat. Mmmm, sugar and fat.
And I almost forgot that I had picked up this Rainbow cookie from Sweet to Lick! Bring on the summer gluttony!