Long Time, No Green-Wood
February 28, 2020

It’s been a while since I visited one of my favorite places in Brooklyn, Green-Wood Cemetery. Come to think of it, I haven’t really been hitting any cemeteries as of late and time did not allow a visit to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery on my LA trip. I miss graving! So with the day off and a big driving trip tomorrow, I wandered local, trying out another lens (Nikkor 50mm 1.8g) on my camera. I explored parts I think I have never been, as well as some old friends.
New friend:

I love this shot and have done it often. The width of angel’s wings…

My first cemetery love

I only enjoy a male angel when he’s an archangel. This is Michael. I know him by heart now.

Because he has those ringlets

And my most favorite archangel, Azrael: The Angel of Death.

Azrael has all the info on mortals’ expirations in his big ol’ book. Thank you, Azrael, for another day.

I’ll be back when spring blossoms your trees, dear Green-Wood.