Long Island Farm Colony
Kings Park Psychiatric Center
The Morgue in Building 7
June 5, 2021

On the way to a friend’s house on Eastern Long Island, I left early enough to visit my favorite spot to explore on the Island, Kings Park Psychiatric Center. I only had one goal as I parked by car and exited to the gorgeous Saturday, straightening my sundress: to explore the exterior of the most recent structural addition to the complex–Buildings 21, 22 and, most enthusiastically, Building 7, where the morgue is. Beautiful, sunny day activities, yes indeed.
Building 7 was the home of the Medical, Surgical, and X-ray departments. It is attached to both Building 21 (the Brooklyn Unit-holla!) and Building 22 (the Children’s Unit), making this the coolest cluster of buildings in the sprawl.

The back of Building 7, an artist’s pallet.

Peeking in

In capturing this shot under the building’s overhang, I saw something that caught my eye. Can you see it there?

Now I have learned from my previous visits to KPPC that access points are ever-changing–what is boarded up one visit, might be ripped agape another. And vice versa. Despite my being dressed for the beach, I knew I might have to seize an opportunity if presented to me. And so I did. To follow, the Morgue.

Light was tough in the morgue, but my iPhone 12 really helped with its low light camera.

Much more to see, but I had to be on my way.

Can’t believe I fit through there!

Till next time, KPPC…