Long Island Farm Colony
Administrative Office at Kings Park State Hospital
aka the Kings Park Psychiatric Center
January 24, 2021

According to the sources below, this structure at The Kings Park State Hospital is Building 3, the National Network of Public Health (NNPH) Administrative Office. According to me, this structure is one of the most decrepit of the entire campus. With its door’s board ripped off and now reclining on the front stairs like some sadistic nail-boarded welcome mat, someone must have realized how poorly the innards are doing since my last visit. The first floors’ windows are currently secured with new wood, allowing minimal light in. The second floor is a bit unnerving, but the gaping holes in the roof do allow a lot more light in. The ceiling drywall and insulation seem to drip from flimsy metal like some post-apocalypse hanging garden. The structure has ben scrapped, brutalized, but still has a homey feel to it–with patches of green growth as a plush wall-to-wall carpet. Let’s look.
Building 3: National Network of Public Health (NNPH) Administrative Office

Someone put in a toilet paper roll. Fascinating.