Let’s Shell-ebrate! π
It’s Mermaid Season 2021 π§π½ββοΈπ‘
April 19, 2021

Spring is Summer’s first step… and it is also the official start of my Mermaid Season. Even though I’ve been crafting for weeks (months? I am not even sure…) in hopes to have a fully stocked space at MerMagicCon, I am happy to report a new wave of excitement now that I have put a tremendous dent in my production goals… and now that I have several mermaid shoots scheduled. And just this past week Coney Island announced goals to go ahead with a live Mermaid Parade–provided numbers of Covid infections don’t sky-rocket. And I am adding two other local annual events to my mermaid season circuit–Poseidon’s Parade in the Rockaways and the Merry Merfolk Parade in Greenport, Long Island.

When I sketched out my vendor space at the convention, I thought I’d make a small try-on room using this huge mass of cardboard from a neighbor’s couch delivery. But now I think I will just use it as a backdrop for our selling table as space is very limited. Anyway, I really liked how it turned out.
I needed a way to display my tops and found these used bra forms real cheap from a display shop. They will work well for many of my sizes, but they won’t work for larger band and cup sizes. So I have other display solutions for my plus sized tops. I am really tempted to take one of these to make a Barbarella costume. Watching this ridiculously campy movie when I was a child might have contributed to my penchant for dress-up.

Sheller life… these blue beauties were brought in by the new moon on the shore of Robert Moses, the location of my last mermaid shoot. I had a vision of a totally blue top!

The last Mermaid Parade seems like eons ago! But it was only 2019.

My apartment was an absolute wreck not too long ago, but things have improved. I have individual storage for each top now… and working on getting models for each one. Want to model a top? Let me know on the “contact” form up there!

Some of my new tops… here is the blue one merging into all the yellow I got from Florida a few weeks back. Full moon in Florida, New Moon in New York.

Scallops tops are always the prettiest

That is my largest top and my smallest top

The large tops take a while to make, but I love that I can utilize large shells given the proportion

My friend’s daughter is going to model my tops soon! Excited to offer kid mermaid gear… though I need to put a chocking hazard on the tag. This has worried me to a slightly neurotic level.

Representing the I.B.T. Committee

I really fall in love with each top I make…
A is for Mermaid

A dramatic top

Was excited about mermaiding up this dress…

But it turned out slightly wonky… I need to see it on someone tall and slender

Making shoes were a lot of fun

Time to kick my fin up for now…