Letchworth State Park (Night)
August 15, 2021

And with the moonset the enormous blob of white light fell past the horizon at Letchworth State Park, leaving me great conditions to shoot the Milky Way, which seemed to originate from the park’s iconic steel bridge.
But while the light was still bright (below), it illuminated the waters around the waterfall.

Leftover Perseid Meteor Shower action meant I got to make wishes.

I am still a Lightroom novice. Next time I’ll try making a composite of two images as the brush has its limitations.

Milky Way with some cloud whisps

Standing in the Universe, looking at the Universe

Where I sat most of the night, wrapped in a blanket listening to Arcade Fire because I haven’t put song files on my phone for years. No service at the park.

I thought it’d be a hoot to include this guy.

A successful night shoot just barely an hour from Rochester–easy views, secluded and dark… especially after the park lights turn off at 11pm.