Letchworth State Park (Day)
August 15, 2021

The highly accoladed Letchworth State Park is one of New York’s gems. Though I knew I was more interested in spending time there after the sun and the moon set, given its darker sky but close proximity to Rochester, the daytime brought easy views of the park’s prominent features: waterfalls. So bask in their beauty as I kill time till nightfall.
Cargo train crossing the steel bridge at Upper Falls

I always enjoy park bench epitaphs.


Climbing up

Climbing down

Rainbow at Middle Falls

It wasn’t until I left after my night shoot that I realized I had skipped the Lower Falls!

Walking to the rainbow

This is sad. My interest piqued, I looked up his obituary. π

From Inspiration Point. I was deciding on where to shoot at night.

Driving the surrounding towns, the sun goes down.

Sneaking into sunflower patch

Sun down: check!
Moon down: Not quite yet….