Lentil Meat Use 2: Lasagna
August 28, 2022

There it is… the aforementioned big batch of lentil meat from Forks Over Knives. But this time I will utilize it as the protein in a big pan of vegan lasagna.

Don’t you love when the lasagna noodles play nice?

Starting my layers…

So that’s marinara, lentil meat, then big dollops of tofu ricotta and sautΓ©ed spinach. Just a word about the spinach… use coconut oil when you sautΓ© it. It is a nice underlying flavor in the lasagna.

Repeat, repeat again, then one more time and then top with basil

Looking good.

Bake covered at 350 for 30 minutes, then take the cover off and go for 20-30 more minutes.

It’s ready to devour.

I sure do love lasagna.

And this is a great version.