Le Petit Monstre 🥐
French Pastry Shop in Brooklyn
January 24, 2021

I am so pleased that a lot of the new vegan options sprouting up in New York City are so high quality. Vegans deserve the best given how much good their lifestyle brings–to personal health, the environment and of course to animals. We deserve better than a Beyond Burger offering at another mediocre eatery. We deserve scratch-made authentic French pastry. And that is what you get at Le Petit Monstre in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, a new bake shop from the Clementine folks.

There’s a great variety of pastry, coffee concoctions as well as lunch-y eats like the Croque Monsieur, poutine, and crepes at Le Petit Monstre. So I will be returning soon! I can handle the inclusion of packaged food offerings (like their breakfast sandwich which includes Just Egg and Daiya) when they majority of the remaining menu are for people like me–not just vegan but foodies. So let’s dive in and see the fantastic pastry rising up in Brooklyn.

Ok, I went a little nuts, as I often do. But the wonderful counter person also threw in another danish for my marked enthusiasm no doubt.

I ate this spinach and cheese roll immediately next to a skate ramp across the street.

Their pastry cream is absolutely divine. Thick, flavorful–perfect.

I kept taking pictures of it. I had never tasted it so well-done.

I wanna put that sh*t on evrything.

A key lime donut. I need to find out their donut making schedule.

This danish had a delicious salty cheese hiding under the apricot. Just look at that lamination.

I can’t wait to make my way back to Le Petit Monstre. Next level vegan offerings need all our love and support. 🥐 🇫🇷 💓