Knoxville, TN Overnight & Great Smoky Mountains National Park
June 10, 2024

I think I mentioned that some overnights are better than others. And with about 19 hours in Knoxville, I did what any adventure-seeking soul would do… I rented a car and hot the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which was just 30 minutes away.

Before I committed to any time in the park, I had to find some food. This is a yummy salad from Peaceful Side Social Brewery & Craft Kitchen in Townsend. It was the Power Bowl with a quinoa blend, a whole avocado, arugula, radishes, cucumber, tomatoes and sunflower seeds with a delicious citrus vinaigrette. It hit the spot!

Now in the park. A little worried about hiking in my flat Jack Purcells, I stuck to the scenic mountain roads. The weather was perfect and the lush mountains, so satisfying. It certainly balanced out the many hours of being in a confined space with no fresh air.

Sit for a spell

After, I wanted to see downtown Knoxville… because the hotel was near the airport and the airport was nowhere near downtown. And I was hungry again too! Here I am at Good Golly Tamale feasting on their “Vegan Soul” tamale: Blue Corn tamale with Black Eyed Peas, sweet potato and collards inside. It was yummy but this was a reheat establishment really–and so the tamale was a bit dry.

Some downtown sites: The Sunsphere

Historic Gay street was picture perfect

Some art at the airport

And with that, I was on to my next adventure, looking forward to going home for a couple of days.