It’s Maple Weekend in New York State 🍁
March 17, 2024

Maple Sugaring is something I was interested in learning more about! So on one of New York’s Maple Weekends, we headed over to Letchworth State Park for their pancake breakfast and a presentation on maple syrup production.

We were able to do shots of each grade of syrup… except the darkest, which visitors complained was too bitter. But this made me more interested in trying!

This was the only vegan thing at the pancake breakfast unfortunately… the maple syrup. I joked that I was going to bring my own pancakes and I really should. But everyone else enjoyed unlimited pancakes, eggs and sausage. 🙄

Maple sugar creations

This is the initial sap which then gets cooked down.

Drilling a tree

Some maple recipes, many that are easily veganizable

The sap boiling into syrup… Did you know that NY is the second largest producer of maple syrup?

Just a quick look at the view at Letchworth… because the kids were tired and cold