Independence Day 2014
July 4, 2014

I am glad to be back home for the 4th. Outside the Bennington flaps proudly.
Inside, I get started crafting my 50 States Commemoration necklace that will celebrate my spending time in all of our 50 United States. I visit #48 next week… leaving two more. I’ll let you guess which ones.
July 4th Eats: grilled chipotle Field Roast on pretzel slider buns, from-scratch potato salad and grilled-in-the-husk corn.
Once the sun went down, fireworks started all around the backyard. It’s nice not having to go further than the back porch to see the explosions in the sky.
The moon disapproves the brash show.
The baby raccoons take advantage of the fact that all outside cats were in hiding because of the fireworks.
They sure love cat food.
Happy Independence Day!