In the Grey of Winter–Color
January 21, 2014

Rainbow chard. I wrote a long and rambling description of how beautiful these stalks are, how I handled them like precious art, before chopping and ingesting them… but it was a bit much. Trust me, you’d be creeped out by my love of these stalks and then I’d be embarrassed.
I cooked up the greens and made a slaw with the stalks. Each color had a different taste. My favorite: the white stalks.
Blood oranges are here. It is fantastic to me that blood oranges are in season in January, when we all need a little more color.
I used some juice in a marinade for my tofu. It was a bloody scene.
The ever-available banana is a great option for a sweet and hearty winter loaf. And why not, chocolate and banana! Sweet treat BFFers.
Besides these fancy swirls, you get the banana speckling to gaze at with each bite.
And more winter color: Morning 1, looking out in the backyard
Morning 2, view from the 3rd floor at PS 58.