I’d Rather Watch Paint Peel
Revisiting Abandoned Rockland State Hospital
May 2, 2020

Creepy places on a beautiful day? Yes please. Emboldened by company and the bright blue sky, I watched the peeling paint in Rockland State Hospital‘s staff quarters. Following the sun’s rays out and about, there was just so much to explore.

I wanted to take that hutch. We found it bizarre how much furniture was abandoned in these homes.

Pastel palettes

Crunchy steps of paint and cameras clicking

Dorkin’ it up

I wish my apartment had a window box.

Do you remember this doll from last time?

The attic was in great condition… and filled with artifacts!

Someone has 7 years bad luck

Where I’ll write my masterpiece

This peeling paint is very organized

Glad no one was sitting there when the ceiling fell


Lotsa panty hose!

Nature coming in

More 🛏️s

This is serious business…

We left after seeing the po-po patrolling… but only to go somewhere even creepier. {Suspense builds, but I gotta go to bed.}