I will name these: Mom’s Birthday Cupcakes

DSC_0005Vanilla cake crumb, coconut whip, and peanut butter cream… and that’s just the bells and whistles!

PicMonkey Collage.jpgThe Cuisipro Cupcake CorerΒ is a fun little addition to my baking spread.

PicMonkey Collage2.jpgHeavy dollops of sweetened peanut butter goo, as requested by my mom.

DSC_0024With a layer of coconut cream and a piping of more peanut butter cream, these beauties had to keep their cool.

DSC_0031Hello, gorgeous.

IMG_2981Oh my goodness, the coconut cream blended divinely with the peanut butter cream. Uh-mazing.

IMG_2977Hold me back!

IMG_2983They were a hit at Mom’s birthday celebration.

IMG_2984Crazy good gooey deliciousness.