Hurricane Cookies

Hunkered down within the Hurricane Irene pandemonium, the exuberance of local weatherpeople becomes kind of numbing. I am just going to talk about peanut butter for a little bit because Irene catch phrases are starting to bother me. With a jar of Peanut Butter & Co.‘s White Chocolate Wonderful purchased as a high-end emergency edible, I knew I had to make a batch of cookies. Inspired by this recipe, I cut the sugar since my peanut butter was sweetened with cane juice already and used 2 TB of arrowroot for a binder. Let’s look.With my good camer a stowed in Brooklyn, I used my old point-n-shoot that has like 5 mega-pixels. Considering, I think I got some nice shots of these buttery and delicate cookies.

I tend to be turned off by a peanut butter cookie… thick, dense… and I wished I had some chocolate to add, but these were damn good.

Lest I forget I am under mandatory evacuation, New Jersey governor Chris Christie and New York City Mayor Bloomberg reminded me often.