Home is Where the Hearts Are, Rochester, NY
July 26, 2024

Driving home adventures… My tire was punctured by many screws and I met another angel in my path. He plugged them and away I went.

I was wanting to make this summer cocktail and have a photoshoot with it. It was literally on my to-do list. It features Tito’s vodka, like we serve on the planes.

And I went to my favorite thrift store (Amvets in Henrietta) and found the perfect glasses.

A fun place we went to with the kids. I go-karted, which I had never done before!

Swimming in the lake–Lake Ontario

Kids Eat Free stop at Denny’s… this was a double Dr. Prager’s burger I got

Flight Attendant art on my old graduate degree from the little one

A toast to home

The best image I have created

Missing all the blooms

Striking Lily

My guy, sleeping

We did another palate competition

Grilled veggie dogs with all the fixin’s

A date night at The Sheffield… lettuce, tomato and coconut bacon

Happy to be home on my couch