Holy Shell! Another Mermaid Top Completed! ππ§π½ββοΈ
July 16, 2020

I shelled so much last summer in Florida, that my crafting station is a bit overwhelming. I need to use a ton of shells.. and fast! So I started my first larger sized top in an effort to reach more mermaids.

Using one of the many big Cockles I collected in the top’s center… And some Moon Snails… (my Shelling Field Guide in my hand…)

I didn’t use a Cockle on the left as I couldn’t perfect the symmetry with the unique Cockles I had… and awkward cross-eyed protrusions from the center of the top would not look flattering. (I only say “Cockles” one more time.)

Since the Cockle came out from the bra a good inch, I embedded shells about it. This because–lessons learned from early tops.

All done!

I am going to need more iridescent, sequined fabric.

I love this top! But I need a model for it. Any 38D’s out there that want to be my model?

My next mission requires my sewing machine first…