Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
Rochester, New York
August 15, 2021

It was a quest to find one of my favorite angel replicas at the Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Rochester, New York: The heartbreaking Angel of Grief. But there were plenty of other beautiful sculptures to admire and capture on the grounds.

Many sculptures had very nice detailing. Look at this dress…

She wasn’t gorgeous or anything, but the way her face was tarnishing is alluring.

More intricate detail

She could care less it seems

And here she is! We had a hard time finding her, but it was well worth the effort. To her arms’ muscle tone to her exquisite wings to her spilling side-breast, she is the most beautiful Angel of Grief I’ve seen.

And her hopeless devastation is palpable

Gorgeous from all sides

Hanging on

Caught her on the way out

There was much more to explore, but this first visit’s goal was accomplished. A nice foray back into graving.