Holiday Rainbow Cookie Parfait π
December 25, 2019

Maybe I invented this? Holiday Rainbow Cookie Parfaits. It started off okay. I was going to make Rainbow Cookies to bring to my folks’ on Christmas.

Then… the parchment became obsessed with the baked layers, not wanting to leave their side. I had to pry them apart. After, there wasn’t much left to the layers. The texture was all off. I must have done something wrong with the very involved recipe! But the taste–that was spot on. So I could still utilize its crumbled remains. I decided to make Rainbow Cookie parfaits! Sure–why now?

I whipped up a quick meringue, layered the cookies, drizzled in the jam and garnished with chocolate and voilΓ ! The same flavor profile of the Rainbow Cookie in parfait form. It would have to do.

And so festive…

Yes, I can still see how off the texture is. Look how its moisture is breathing. in the cup.

I will let you know how these go over…

Merry Mistake and a Merry, merry Christmas! xo
Addendum: Here are the innards! They were a success!