Here’s the Scoop

Listen Staples commericals and every Sunday newspaper circular: “It is still summer!” I cry out, grasping at every hour, every minute of my dwindling summer vacation.

So while it is still appropriate, homemade ice cream! I headed home to Long Island to try out Wheeler‘sΒ Vegan Scoop chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with my Mom’s bright red Cuisinart soft serve ice cream maker. With the container of frozen cookie dough chunks being snacked on like popcorn, we needed the soy and coconut milk mixture to thicken up quickly! Haste, however, gave way to a delicious but slightly soupy ice cream littered with yummy gobs of cookie dough. A family-pleaser.

While I am on the fresh-made ice cream topic, here’s some from my recent visit to Austin. Vanilla ice cream (coconut milk-based of course) with chewy chunks of diced Sweet & Sara‘s marshmallows, pineapple fruit compote and chocolate chunks. So creamy! I don’t recommend stirring these marshmallows in to the churning machine. They have an awkward, gummy texture when exposed to the low temps. Maybe a sprinkle of them on top. Has anyone tried the Ricemellow in a ice cream maker?