Hello Manhattan
August 20, 2021

I am so happy to see Manhattan’s pulse return. Visiting during the height of the pandemic, I didn’t recognize her. Now she dances about the feet of the wondrous cross-section of people that impart their vibes in symbiotic fashion.

Vegan crepes with banana and strawberry from I don’t remember where… down that vegan block right before Tompkins Square Park. You know, the block with Superiority Burger (though they’re moving to Odessa’s old space), Confectionery, etc)

Ok, I’ll admit that I timed my visit to pick up the T.F.T. from Superiority Burger.

So let’s devote the rest of this post to many shots of the fantastic sandwich… So thiccccc

I mean, come on.

I want tofu around my tofu…

See you soon, Manhattan.